Explore our wide range of simple, fast, and high-performance cloud products, including Bare Metal Servers, Virtual Machines, Global Accelerator, etc. We help you build services for greatness.
Solve your business challenges with industry-proven combinations of bEdge products and services.
Deliver personalized content to millions of users while transforming audience experiences across the world.
Create exceptional gaming experiences with our powerful edge capabilities and innovative advantages.
The easiest way to access to powerful PCs in the cloud and operate from most devices.
View all bEdge plans and pricing here.
bEdge is a global edge cloud platform that enables you to quickly build, deploy, and manage your digital services in emerging markets all over the world.
In short, cloud computing allows you to rent instead of buy your own IT resources. These cloud services now include, but are not limited to, servers, storage, databases, networking, and security.
Bare metal instances enable you to run high-performance, latency-sensitive, specialized, and traditional workloads directly on dedicated server hardware. While the compute instances are deployed in a virtualized cloud environment.
We deeply understand today's technology challenges and the need to continuously innovate. bEdge is a global edge cloud provider, we are making it easier for enterprises to build, secure, and deploy their workloads around the world.
With our continuously expanding global footprint, it's easier to scale your business to the next level.
Everything you need to build successful digital services in the modern world.
Choosing bEdge is the simplest way to reduce your cost and improve efficiency.
Discover News, tips, and inspiration to simplify your digital transformation.
Bare Metal server solutions are perfect for meeting bespoke needs because of their unique combination of great performance and flexibility.
When it comes to securing data in the cloud, it is important to understand subtle differences between on-premises versus cloud security approaches.
Edge computing is transforming how data generated by billions of IoT and other devices is stored, processed, analyzed, and transported.